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Adult Learning Principles

 1.        Adults learn best when they appreciate and value the benefit of the learning.
 2.        Adults learn best when they can participate in the learning process
 3.        Adults learn best when they can relate learning to personal experiences.
 4.      Adults learn best when they receive feedback on their learning.
 5.        Adults learn best in a supportive and relaxed environment.
 6.        Adults learn best through increments that build on previous learning.
 7.      Adults learn best through repetition and reinforcement.
 8.        Adults learn best when they can apply their learning immediately.
 9.        Adults learn best when the learning is interactive.
10.       Adults learn best when consideration is given for the impact of the learning process on other
        learner responsibilities.

Contact us to discuss your organization's Training & Development needs.

Phone: 860-283-9963 |



Symbiont Performance Group, Inc.

77 McBride Road                      

Litchfield, CT 06759

"Winning Performance Strategies"