Symbiont Performance Group, Inc
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Insights Newsletter: March 2014


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About Us

Symbiont Performance Group, Inc., is a performance improvement training-consulting organization serving small to medium sized organizations as well as individuals.  We approach performance improvement from four basic approaches: Performance Consulting, Training & DevelopmentProfessional Coaching and Self-Leadership.

Performance Consulting has to do with helping clients determine the root cause of performance deficiencies.  Clients often suspect performance problems to be due to a lack of requisite knowledge and/or skills, and seek out a training intervention as the solution.  Training can frequently be an appropriate choice of performance improvement intervention, but not always.  Performance deficiencies can also be due to ineffective hiring procedures, work environment issues, defects in job design and performance management shortcomings.  As performance consultants, we act as experienced diagnosticians to help clients choose the most effective path to improved organizational results. more about Performance Consulting. 

Training and Development focuses on providing workers at all level with the knowledge, skills and attitudes with which to perform current or future job responsibilities.  Training focuses on basic, foundational knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) required for effectiveness in a current role whereas development involves the implementation of initiatives intended to enhance peoples' capabilities associated with current roles as well as to prepare them for future responsibilities. A common misconception is that training and development initiatives can best (and most cost-effectively)  be delegated to those individuals who themselves demonstrate proficiency in the particular competencies that are to be trained or developed in others.  This overlooks or even disregards the fact that effective training and development requires specific set of skills that are not necessarily possessed by superior job/role performers.  Not all those who can do,.... can teach, especially if the skills under consideration involve tacit knowledgemore about Training & Development. more about Knowledge Management.

Our professional coaching activities focus primarily on two areas, business coaching and transformational coaching.  Business coaching is the practice of providing advice, feedback and support to individuals or teams within small and medium size organizations to help them improve organizational performance.  We work with clients in areas as supervision, management, sales, customer loyalty, communication, developing teamwork and many others. more about Business CoachingTransformational coaching  features a structured process that helps individual’s closely examine each of the key areas that are important in their lives. see "Life Wheel."  This focus helps them crystallize what really matters to them and the people they care about, and releases their energy in the right direction to achieve the goals that will fulfill them. more about Transformational Coaching

Self-Leadership is a combination training-coaching program that is designed to help people take control of their lives to maximize their personal and professional results.  Self-leadership explores the realms of personal motivation and effective goal-setting and offers insights to help individuals realize their true potentials.  Self-leadership provides a proven process for achieving true self-actualization, the highest level of personal achievement.  see needs theory.  more about Self-Leadership.

Please contact us for details about a no obligations consultation regarding your performance improvement needs.   

860-283-9963 |



Symbiont Performance Group, Inc.

"Winning Performance Strategies"