Symbiont Performance Group, Inc
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Ever since man first began to contemplate himself, there has existed a fundamental question: Why do some people lead more successful, rewarding lives than others?  Why does one person for example, lead a dull, uneventful existence while another, with no more apparent advantage, potential or opportunity, accomplishes great things and lives a rich, rewarding life?  From earliest times, there have been many attempts to explain this great mystery and various theories have been proposed to identify keys to success.  Some have sought to come up one simple answer to explain human success but none has been forthcoming because one simple key doesn't exist. 

What is Personal Success? 

Human success is a complex topic, and personal definitions for success vary widely.  At Symbiont Performance Group, we prefer to broadly define success as making optimal use of one's own potential to achieve.  Since each of us has a unique set of individual knowledge, skills and attitudes, genuine personal success should be measured by what a person does with his or her own potential and not by comparison with what others have accomplished. Being successful essentially means setting out to accomplish something significant and meaningful and then doing whatever it takes to get it done.  Another way to say it is that success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile, predetermined goal.  This means that where there is no goal their can be no success.  Also, since success involves a "progressive" goal realization, it is not achieved solely upon the attainment of the target goal, it is evident throughout the journey.  Furthermore, a person cannot succeed by accident or luck.  True success requires a strong commitment to intentional, planned personal growth to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for goal achievement.

What Makes a Person Successful?

Success is often attributed to personal knowledge and skills.  Clearly what we know and do and are important contributors to what we accomplish or become in life.  However, possessing great knowledge and skills in themselves does not result in success.  Unless effectively applied, knowledge and skills are only potential ingredients for success.  The willingness to take action has also been proposed as a key to success, and clearly without decisive action little can be accomplished.  But action alone does not produce success unless it is focused on achieving a productive outcome.  Other contributing factors that have been suggested include a powerful, pleasing personality, hard work, and the availability of personal resources.  Certainly such factors can be useful in helping to achieve success and happiness.  However, we probably all know knowledgeable, skillful people with magnetic personalities, and extensive personal resources  who are anything but successes.  These elements can be helpful to the attainment of success, but they are not in themselves usually the underlying reasons for it. 

At Symbiont Performance Group we see the road to personal success as a self-leadership process.  Traditionally, leadership is viewed in terms of the impact of a person on a group or organization. Countless definitions of leadership exist, but we believe that a concise and insightful definition is "a leader is a person who motivates others toward the achievement of shared, mutually-desired goals."  A leader combines the vision and curiosity of a dreamer with the practical engineering of a builder.  A leader is goal-directed and is always looking forward with anticipation toward the attainment of measurable goals.  A leader is a person who sets goals through which he or she achieves results.  Effective goals give a leader meaning and purpose and serve as continuous sources of motivation for the pursuit of worthy and satisfying accomplishments.

We believe that the concept of "motivating and driving" toward achievement and "achieving goals" applies as much to the leader himself or herself as it does to potential followers.  In fact, we believe that a person can only become an effective leader of others if he or she has first mastered leading one's self.  This is the underlying premise of the concept of self-leadership. The Self-Leadership development program is a structured, open-ended, pragmatic approach to leadership growth.  It is a process designed to help individuals develop attitudes, skills and attributes necessary for personal and organizational leadership.  

Four Essential Elements  

The Symbiont Self Leadership Program focuses on four essential elements:  

Taking Personal Responsibility

Each of us is who we are and where we are today principally because of the results of our own efforts.  As adults, our results in every area of our lives are the fruits of our daily behaviors, and our daily behaviors are the responsibility of each of us alone.  Few if any of us would deliberately assign the responsibility for our success and happiness to others for in so doing, we would be effectively relinquishing control over our lives to them.  But this is essentially what we do when we blame circumstances or other people for the hardships, setbacks and disappointments we encounter in life or when we don't effectively visualize our true potential and sincerely commit to take necessary action for its achievement. 

When a person takes on the role of leadership whether of self or others, he or she must assume full responsibility for all the outcomes that occur, whether positive or negative because otherwise he or she is not in charge, and therefore, not a leader at all. High performers take both the credit and the blame for everything that happens to them.  Low performers generally take responsibility only for their success and place the blame for their failures on bad luck, other people or circumstances outside of their control.  Success requires men and women to develop a strong internal sense of accountability that extends to every aspect of their lives.

Goal Setting

A goal, is an easily-definable, observable, measurable and time-bound desired performance outcome that an individual or organization intends to achieve through action, usually as one of several subordinate components of a more wide-ranging objective.  A goal is more like a personal mission and represents action.  Unlike objectives, goals can usually be clearly described and visualized and therefore, serve as much more effective targets for focusing and directing performance behaviors.  One of the key factors that determines our behaviors and, therefore, our results is our goalsWhether we are consciously aware of it or not, all behaviors are goal-directed .  It is our drive to achieve goals that generates the results we get.  We get what we are currently getting out of life (our results) because of our current behaviors, and our current behaviors are to a very large extent determined by what we set out to achieve (i.e., our goals).  In order to achieve improved results, individuals and organizations must develop an appreciation of how goals affect behavior and an understanding of the process for setting and achieving productive goals.  Included in this process is a crystal clear visualization of what the desired improved results would look like and how success in a designated area will be tracked and measured. 

Personal Motivation

Personal Motivation can be defined as the internal, unobservable force within an individual that generates his or her effort, drive and persistence toward the achievement of a goal.  It is one’s reason for action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior.  Motivation is generally described as deriving from people’s needs and the decision processes they use to satisfy their needs. The degree and strength of a person’s motivation is the single most important determining factor in the extent to which he or she will acquire essential knowledge and skills, shape productive mental attitudes, set effective goals and commit to do what needs to be done to achieve desired results.  Personal motivation involves the creation of an environment of positive attitudes and possibility thinking.  Self-Leadership helps participants understand how and where attitudes are formed and how positive attitudes towards one's self and surroundings can serve as motivation for achieving greater success and happiness. more on "needs theory" and personal motivation  

Interpersonal Skills 

New ideas are the seeds of progress.  A person's creativity can become the source of valuable contributions to society and also be a great source of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.  However, much of what a leader is involved in and accomplishes involves other people, and getting the willing cooperation of others is a critical ingredient in personal success.  Unless others become excited about a leader's vision and make it their vision as well, they will not become the important allies necessary for success.  Through effective communication, a leader can foster openness, trust, mutual respect and shared vision. When others believe in and are enthusiastic about a leader's ideas, they will fully support them in their endeavors.  The power of ideas, effectively communicated in words and actions cascades outwards in an ever-increasing circle of influence, accelerating the realization of one's goals and objectives. 

The Results are Measurable

  • Becoming more in control of your future
  • Increased earning potential
  • Development of personal mission and vision
  • Improved goal-setting skills
  • Improved interpersonal communication skills
  • Improved time management skills
  • Enhanced personal motivation
  • Enhanced leadership ability
  • Increased personal time and freedom

Program Delivery Formats

Self-Leadership may be implemented in facilitated group sessions as well as through individual self-directed learning.  This program can also serve as the platform process for transformational coaching.  learn more about transformational coaching

Learn how Self-Leadership can help you and your people improve performance and achieve greater success and happiness. 860-283-9963 |



Symbiont Performance Group, Inc.

77 McBride Road                      

Litchfield, CT 06759

"Winning Performance Strategies"