Symbiont Performance Group, Inc
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The Symbiont Performance Consulting Process 

The following represents our typical approach to a performance consulting project:

Assessment Phase

1.      Identify organizational performance objectives

2.      Identify required worker performance competencies

3.    Identify required worker & organizational best practices

4.       Identify worker performance and best practices gaps

5.      Perform gap-analysis on current personal inputs to worker performance

6.    Perform gap-analysis on current organizational inputs to worker performance

7.    Determine the causes of personal input and organizational imput gaps

8.    Generate learning sponsor buy-in to assessment findings

Intervention Development Phase 

1.        Develop personal (worker/people-focused) performance improvement initiatives 

2.        Develop organizational (process/strategy-focused ) performance improvement initiatives

3.        Generate management support for intervention plan

Intervention Implementation Phase

1.       Set intervention priorities

2.      Generate stake-holder intervention buy-in

3.       Deliver performance improvement interventions

4.    Measure and assess intervention impacts 

Please contact us for details about our performance consulting capabilities and to request a no obligation performance consulting needs assessment.  Phone: 860-283-9963 |



Symbiont Performance Group, Inc.

77 McBride Road                      

Litchfield, CT 06759

"Winning Performance Strategies"