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Glossary of Performance Terminology

- B - C - D - EF - - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - - U - V - W - XYZ

Career Coaching
A style of coaching in which a coach works with a client to help client assess personal strengths, aptitudes and
desires to identify their optimal career paths and set and achieve appropriate developmental goals and
performance goals to maximze careet results.


Career Development     

The practice of aligning organization personnel management procedures with individual career objectives to attain
both individual and organizational needs.  
Change Agent 
A person (consultant) who attempts to apply an intervention to alter or affect any aspect of an organization. Change
agents can come from both outside an (external consultant) or from within an organization (internal consultant). 
A relationship consisting of a structured, process-driven interaction between a professional trained in coaching
methodologies and one or more individuals seeking positive behavioral change.
The conscious process of knowing or being aware of thoughts or perceptions, including understanding and reasoning.
Proficiency in a set of behaviors associated with a particular task or function. 



An individual change agent who provides expert advice for increasing personal or organizational effectiveness. 



A management discipline that deals with continually monitoring work activity to assess progress toward planned

objectives and identify any need for corrective action.                                          


A performance improvement initiative that usually focuses on a reactive, remedial approach for removing the source of

a particular performance deficiency.

Corporate Culture
A pervasive, largely sub-conscious pattern of beliefs, values, and expectations shared by an organization's members
regarding how work is done and dictates behavioral norms regarding how members interract with one another and those
outside the organization.  
Critical Business Assets

The primary means or resources employed to develop and deliver the products and services that customers buy.

Examples of critical business assets can include tangible elements such as raw materials, equipment, buildings and

natural resources as well as intangible assets, often referred to as intellectual capital, such as proprietary technology,

patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other specialized knowledge.                                     

Critical Thinking 
A disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information by
employing logic and intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracyprecision, relevance, depth, breadth,
significance and fairness to make good judgments.

Culture (Organizational) 

The pervasive, largely sub-conscious, pattern of beliefs, values and customs developed over time which are shared by

an or organization's members and influence behavioral norms and expectations.


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   "Winning Performance Strategies"