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D.I.AL.O.G. Organizational Assessment Instrument

D.I.AL.O.G. (Data Indicating Alignment of Organizational Goals) is an organizational assessment tool that provides information as to how well critical elements of process are working together to achieve business strategic goals.  It also helps identify elements that are working against an organization's objectives.  Our approach is unique in that we measure the interrelationships of critical elements which serve as predictors of future strength.  D.I.AL.O.G. focuses on relevant activities to identify ways to generate improved organizational productivity.

There are 7 critical areas that are measured.  After years of research and validation, these 7 areas have been found to be those with the greatest impact upon the development of organizational effectiveness.  They are the 7 critical success areas that have been identified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and also make up the Criteria for Performance Excellence as used in the Baldrige National Quality Program.

The D.I.AL.O.G. assessment process involves the following key activities:

  • Personal Interviews
  • Administration of D.I.AL.O.G. Instrument
  • Scoring of Responses
  • Presentation of Results
  • Discussion of Findings
  • Providing "Gap Analysis" and Improvement Recommendations

Contact us for details about a complimentary sample of a D.I.AL.O.G. organizational performance assessment.

Phone: 860-283-9963 |



Symbiont Performance Group, Inc.

77 McBride Road                      

Litchfield, CT 06759

"Winning Performance Strategies"